Opening prayer.
Membership includes the following: Beverly Tipton, Connie Whitener, Ron Stutzman, Sr. Darlene, Linda Burnett, Vicki Carter, Lauren Brands, Fr. Jarek
Members present: Bev, Connie, Sr. Darlene, Ron,Fr. Jarek
Election of officers: President ; Beverly Tipton
VP; Ron Stutzman
Sec; Connie Whitener
Date of celebration confirmed as 06/25/2017 with Most Rev. Edward Rice celebrating.
Celebration Mass scheduled for 11am , No Mass on regular Saturday night!!
Decision for a dinner at approx. 1:00-2:30pm.
Band from Owensboro Ky., Roy Kyle and The Hot Rod Crusiers, fee$1200. Shal ladies promise $600 setup on stage.
Topics decided and member in charge!
T-shirt, polo shirt with embroidered 125th Sacred Heart emblem /Fr. Jarek , Cynthia
Dinner / Vicki Carter ....125th celebration cake, dinner selection.
Decorations church -hall/Cynthia Hodge..flowers, 125 balloon release, photo booth, banners down center isle with 125th theme.
Invitations , publicity/Connie Whitener....embossed chosen emblem, notifying locals, requesting acknowledgements from government and church entities, rsvp's
Activities/Bev, Linda Burnett....Bouncey house( Fr. To check with Dexter business) kid entertainments. High school kids to assist.
Fund raisers/ Lauren Brands (Ladeen and Shal group). February Bakesale, t-shirts, glassware with chosen emblem, 50/50 drawing, chocolate covered strawberries (pre orders)
Set up/Clean up/Ron Stutzman.....tables, stage area for band ( check on electrical needs) trash receptacles.
Next meeting :1/30/17 6:30pm in rectory.
Closed with prayer...