Our Diocesan Development Fund Campaign (DDF) is the annual campaign for the diocese and takes place the first weekend of May after months of discussion and planning. The funds raised through the campaign advance our mission through a host of ministries that assist our families, our parishes, and our Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. The personal sacrifices of parishioners across the diocese directly benefit the lives of those who worship in our churches, those formed through religious education programs in our parishes and schools, and those who are consoled and comforted through our ministries.
The Office of Family Ministry administers marriage preparation and enrichment programs to address the challenges couples may encounter as they seek to enter the honored vocation of marriage in our Church. By sponsoring events such as Family Movie Nights and the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebrations, we strive to promote healthy marriage environments and support parenting.
The Office of Youth provides formation for our youth—the future of our Church—fostering their Catholic identity through attendance at national and diocesan conferences, service and retreat opportunities, and much more. We are committed to inspire our teens and young adults to form the solid foundation necessary for their life-long journey of faith. This office also organizes and supports Camp Re-NEW-All. This past camp season greeted 517 campers and 248 staff volunteers during the eight summer sessions in the Diocese.
The DDF supports our Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) programs on the campuses of Missouri State University in Springfield that also serves students at Drury University and Ozark Technical Community College; Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau; Missouri Southern State University in Joplin; and College of the Ozarks in Branson. Through CCM, the Church becomes present on these campuses to help our young people encounter Christ in college life.
The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis supports our parishes in the extensive process of the education of its catechists with a variety of Religious Education programs, and its teachers in Catholic schools so as to inform, guide, and inspire both adults and children alike. It is a joy to provide all people, at every age and stage of life, opportunities to experience God’s love and conversion of heart through a growing knowledge of Jesus and the gospel message.
The DDF supports the Bishop’s Personal Ministry, affording him the privilege to meet families as he visits parishes throughout the year, participating with them in their communities as he fulfills his role as the shepherd of the diocese.
In this 21st century, fewer priests are in service, and those who are face an increase in duties and demands as they minister to the nearly 70,000 Catholics in this diocese. Because tomorrow’s pastors are in our seminaries today, the Office of Vocations and the bishop make it a top priority to diligently promote vocations in our diocese.
Among the diocese’s 85 parishes and missions, some do not possess all of the necessary resources in order to serve their faith communities. These parishes are where DDF supplements and assists our priests and parish leadership in providing ministries and outreach to the faithful.
Each of us is part of a larger family, joined together to form our One Church, East to West: Loving Jesus, Serving Jesus, Sharing Jesus.